3 DAY EXPerience

Reiki Energy Therapist and Meditation Facilitator

Discover your natural meditative state of being for yourself and others. Unlock your unique abilities to elevate how you move through life. Learn to focus energy to quantum shift any area of life and create impact for those around you.

March 17, 2023
4:30pm Eastern Time

What will be Covered:

  • Day One will focus on theory of you, your relationship to energy and the concepts of quantum energy. You will also discover your meditative style and learn the skills to guide deep healing meditations.

  • Day Two focuses on allowing you to begin the journey of reiki energy and how to focus your own energy to ignite your potential for more peace, vitality and wholeness in your own life. Energy Therapist Initiate - Level I: where you will be introduced to the the value that energy therapy provides, not only the clients with whom we work, but ourselves. This class goes into more depth about energy fields, energy centers, energy channels, and the story the body areas tell. You will have the opportunity to receive the first of three levels of Holy Fire® Reiki and practice working with other students.

  • Day Three focuses on how you impact those around you, your environment and your community. Unleashing the principles of energy to help others. Energy Therapist - Level 2 : You will receive Level 2 Holy Fire® practice with other students sending and receiving energy just as if you were you were each others clients. You will be introduced to and practice working the Plexus Method™ where you will learn to read your clients energy field . You will have the opportunity to receive the second of the three Holy Fire® energy levels.

What you will Receive:

Totally amazing 3 day experience to starting the journey of embodying your full potential , a few bonuses.


Friday March 17, 2023; 4:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Saturday March 18, 2023 9:30 a.m. to 2: 30 p.m.

Sunday March 19, 2023 9:30 a.m to 2:30 p.m.

Location: TBD

There will be breaks for refreshments. If you have any questions please contact me at info@connect.finallybe.com.

Upon completing the course you will receive Reiki Energy Therapist I and II Certifications and a Meditation Facilitator Certificate.

Investment: $1,354.00

Marci Grayson

Master Reiki Energy Therapist; Meditation facilitator/coach; Intuitive Resolve Coach and Licensed Mental Health Therapist and the host of The Finally BE Podcast.

Marci encourages you to live from your Wholeness by giving yourself permission to choose your true you. She loves working with success driven visionaries on a spiritual journey helping them to ignite their intuitive gifts, outgrow overwhelm and start giving themselves permission to choose a life they really want.

Blessings of light love and effortless joy!


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